JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

GateIn Portal 3.8

Deploying GateIn's WSRP services

GateIn Portal provides a complete support of WSRP 1.0 and 2.0 standard interfaces and offers both consumer and producer services. Starting with version 2.1.0-GA of the component, WSRP is packaged as a GateIn Portal extension and is now self-contained in an easy to install package named $GATEIN_HOME/extensions/gatein-wsrp-integration.ear where $GATEIN_HOME refers to the gatein directory found at the root of the JBoss AS install directory.

To use WSRP in GateIn Portal, make sure that the gatein-wsrp-integration.ear is located in $GATEIN_HOME/extensions. You shouldn't need to make any modifications to that file. If you are not going to use WSRP, it will not adversely affect your installation to leave it as-is. Otherwise, you can just remove the gatein-wsrp-integration.ear file from $GATEIN_HOME/extensions.

Configuration files for WSRP, which will be detailed in their respective sections, are found in $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/gatein/wsrp where $JBOSS_HOME is the root of your JBoss AS install directory.

WSRP use when running GateIn Portal on a non-default port or hostname

JBoss WS (the web service stack that GateIn Portal uses) should take care of the details of updating the port and host name used in WSDL. See the JBoss WS user guide on that subject for more details.

Of course, if you have modified the host name and port on which your server runs, you will need to update the configuration for the consumer used to consume GateIn Portal's own producer. Please refer to the Consuming remote WSRP portlets in GateIn to learn how to do so.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-10 13:21:37 UTC, last content change 2012-11-09 15:58:29 UTC.